August 2024 fresh MI5 material FAQs

Please find Q&As below regarding the fresh information being discovered and disclosed by MI5 to Operation Kenova.


Does the new information bring in additional murders outside of the initial investigation?

Our initial review of this material has not identified any further homicides outside of those which had been identified by Operation Kenova.


Given the new material, is there likely to be further files put to the PPS for consideration?

We are working closely with the Public Prosecution Service (PPS) to review the material; however due the Legacy Act being passed on 1 May 2024, currently no fresh prosecutorial decisions can be taken based on reports submitted by Operation Kenova.

What will happen with the information that has been recovered?

Operation Kenova is reviewing and analysing all the freshly disclosed material which will then be submitted to the PPS. Any relevant information will form part of the Operation Kenova Final Report subject to the usual national security considerations.


Will details of what has been now disclosed be published?

Any relevant information will form part of the Operation Kenova Final Report subject to the usual national security considerations .


Is there anything within the new finds which is at variance with the interim report?

We are reviewing all the material with a view to including key information in our Final Report. Any changes to information in the interim report will be reflected in the Final Report.

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