ISG meeting - February 2020

On 4 February 2020, members of the Independent Steering Group (ISG) convened in Northern Ireland for a three-day conference.

During this extended meeting, members were introduced to a number of victims and advocacy services from across communities in Northern Ireland.

The ISG heard first hand of the continuing impact unresolved murders have on families and communities despite the passage of time. The ISG was also given an insight into the experiences of a number of victims who have worked tirelessly to ensure that the murder of their loved ones are re-investigated by an independent inquiry.

During the conference the ISG had the opportunity to discuss legacy issues with Chief Constable Simon Byrne of the Police Service of Northern Ireland and Commissioner Drew Harris, An Garda Siochana. The ISG also met with Minister of Justice for the Northern Ireland Executive, Naomi Long.

The ISG was also updated on the significant progress made across the various investigations that Operation Kenova now lead.

As these are ongoing criminal investigations it would be inappropriate to disclose any further information at this time.

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