Kenova continues through lockdown

Kenova lead, former Chief Constable Jon Boutcher has reassured families that the investigation will continue despite the current restrictions in place across the UK.

Mr Boutcher said: “With coronavirus cases rising at an alarming rate over recent weeks we had put measures in place to allow us to continue working and progressing the Kenova suite of investigations in the event of further restrictions being put in place.

"Our priority at this time must be to keep everyone safe, help stop the spread and protect the NHS, so my team are not travelling or visiting families or potential witnesses during this challenging time. However, we had introduced a comprehensive IT framework which allows us to undertake a huge amount of work virtually to continue the crucial momentum of the Kenova investigations. We have countless documents to review for the more recently commissioned investigations and are preparing further submissions to the Public Prosecutors Office regarding the Stakeknife series of cases.

"Our focus on finding the truth for the families remains as focused and as resolute as ever."

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